Past Exams

Here are past CyberMath Academy placement/admissions exams, beginning with 2022’s exams.

Exam statistics are included, for reference.

2022 Foundations Exam

CyberMath Foundations Exam

CyberMath Foundations Solutions

The score needed for a Mastery Pass on this exam was 70/100 points, and the score needed for a Foundations Pass on this exam was 50/100 points.

Mean: 68.93/100

Median: 68/100

Standard deviation: 19.84/100

Highest score: 101/100

2022 Mastery Exam

CyberMath 2022 Mastery Exam

CyberMath 2022 Mastery Exam Solutions

Due to the length and difficulty of the exam, the score needed for a Mastery Pass on this exam was 20/150 points, with some leeway based on the information provided in the application. To reward/encourage those who decided to challenge themselves, all students taking this exam automatically qualified for at least the High School Foundations course, regardless of the exam result.

Mean: 21.49/150

Median: 18/150

Standard deviation: 12.85/150

Highest score: 49.2/150