Parent's Info
Parent's Name*
Email Address*
Phone Number*
ZIP Code
Country* —Please choose an option—USACANADA
Student's Info
Student's Name*
Gender FemaleMale
Grade Level* —Please choose an option—1st Gade
Desired Camp Location* Harvard University
Choose Your Camp*
Advanced Middle School Math with MathCounts/AMC 8-10 Problems
Advanced High School Math with AMC 10/12 and AIME Problems
AI Camp
Attendance Type* Day StudentResidental
Student's Background*
Please list all relevant course(s) that the student has taken or is enrolled in, along with relevant grades. Feel free to include any relevant after-school courses or camps recently attended.
How Did You Hear About Us?
Attended CyberMath Camps/Courses BeforeFlyer from SchoolBrochure/flyerAnother websiteFacebookBaidu/WeiboAgent referralRecommended by my teacher/counselor/administratorInternet search